Monday, September 21, 2009

Jon & His scouts

Jon brought not only his scouts over but the other troops also so they could learn the propper way to retire a flag. Then they went out front to learn about the flag on the flag pole, half mass, military specifications about the flag etc. I thought it was really cool. The cutest part...Asher is in the stripped shirt next to Jon with the frisbe standing with a salute. At first he was using the wrong hand so I called him over to me. He said...Mom, I'm in scouts. Don't interupt. It was so funny. I told him he was using the wrong hand so he switched and walked back to take his place next to Jon.
What is so neat to see is just by Jon being so excited and into scouts, more and more boys are coming and more and more boys are advancing. I'm so proud of him for choosing to continue in this calling even with his busy schedule with school and such.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Funny Story

So here is my funny story. With Jon so busy and me not able to...our lawn has become a forest of weeds standing about 5 1/2 feet tall. Neglect I know. But think of a weed that tall, the base is huge and normal weed eaters can't make it thru the base. So Jon went to Home Depot and got a metal attachment for the weed eater that would cut thru the base. So Jon gets the whole thing put togeather and my neighbor and I are out on the lawn in the shade watching Jon work. Asher and Alex and our neighbors boy Seth are on the slide and at this point Asher is all the way at the top about to slide down when Jon started trying to start the weed eater. I have never seen anyone start a weed eater on the first pull. Have you? Plus, with the added weight of the blade Jon is pulling and pulling and pulling. He is on his eighth or ninth pull when Asher shouts at the top of his litle voice,"Daddy, your embarrasing me".I laughed so hard and had to call my Mom and tell her. Jon didn't hear a word of it.
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Those Darn Stairs

To any of you who have been in my house and up my stairs you will have noticed something. The first section of the stairs are normal while the second section get considerably steeper. Don't ask me why. Whoever built this house must have measured wrong or something but the stairs are something you really need to get used to. Once you are used to them, normal stairs seem abnormal and I find myself being more cautious on them.
So Friday, I come home from a quick trip to the bank and before I run into the office I think to myself that it is quite hot in this house. I run upstairs to turn on the good old swamp cooler. On my way back down, I slip and fall. My right knee (the good knee) goes under my body and is forced out to the right side too far. I hear a feel a very loud pop and I am down for the count. Based on the fact that I had an eppidural with both boys, labor didn't feel this painful. I tried to get up but couldn't. I had seen my next door neighbor, my bishop, was in his driveway as I was coming home. I sent Asher over to get him. Asher proceeds to get to the curb and stop yelling at the top of his lungs "BISHOP". I kept yelling for him to go get the bishop. He yelled back that a car was coming. (Wow, he listened all those time I told him to look both ways). Finally he ran across the street and pretty soon, the bishop and his wife come over. He lifts me off the stairs and helps me into the recliner. While his wife took the boys, my sweet bishop wraped a compression bandage around my knee, got me pain medication, got me an ice bag and the remotes to the TV. He then called the relief society president and the compasionater service leader to find someone to take the boys.
See, the problem was that Jonathan had gone to school and wasn't answering his cell phone. I needed to get to the doctor but couldn't do so by myself or with two boys that I couldn't keep up with. You will never guess what happened.
My next door neighbor called her 12 year old son who called his baseball coach. Upon finding out that practice had been canceled he went over to the bishops house, got both kids and brought them over here staying with them until Jonathan got home. What a kid. He even made everyone lunch.
As for me, I had to stay down for about three days. It took me a while to be able to put weight on that leg and I still can't straighten it. I am hoping it was only soft tissue damage because I am not able to get any x-rays or CT scan of my knee since I am pregnant. I just have to take it easy for a while and I should be back on my feet.
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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jawdropping Haircut

So I ran some erronds and came home when Jonathan couldn't pick his jaw up from the ground. I can't understand why. It isn't like I look different. He says that he is married to a different person. NO. Just a person with a different haircut. It will take some getting used to but I love not having hair on my neck or ears and when the wind blow, it doesn't mess up my quaf.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Archur Aaron Vanderpool

So, about a week ago I went in for an ultrasound thinking I was 9 weeks along. It really scared us because there was a sac but we couldn't see a baby or a bean or anything. We were prepared that this might be the most common type of miscarriage. I received a blessing from Jonathan in which I was told and he was sure everything was fine. Either way, I was at peace which was really confusing. I went back in today to see what we could see since the sac last week was measuring about 5 1/2 weeks (right on the border of when you can see anything anyway). This is what we found. I am 6 1/2 weeks. There is a great heartbeat and Jonathan and I are expecting that this is yet another boy. Don't ask, but Archur Aaron Vanderpool is due DEC. 31, 2009. Appropriate right. So, I did the only think I could do. I came home and got sick. I hate this part. But at least I know he is still with me.
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I just got so sick of being the only one posting on the original blog I decided to follow your lead and get a blog of my own. And what an appropriate time. Now I can update pictures of all my boys. All 3 of them. Yes.....I am pregnant. Archur Aaron Vanderpool is due Dec. 7, 2009. Asher still doesn't quite understand that his little brother is in Mommies tummy. Maybe because I am not showing yet or he can't feel kicking like he did with Alex. Alex is just too young. So Asher and Alex are 2 years 7 mo. apart. Alex and Archur will be 2 years 2 mo. apart. Wish us luck....from now on, THEY will always outnumber us.